

Friday, February 7, 2014

How to Reduce Belly Fat With Exercise and Diet

Exercise will help you to burn calories and lose weight. Just about any movement is going to help you lose weight. When you breathe, you are going to burn calories. Even though you are burning calories, that doesn’t always mean you are going to lose weight in the process.
To lose the fat stored in your body, you will need to expend a greater amount of energy than what you are taking in. Expenditure of energy is measured in calories. If you look at the packaging of the foods you eat, you will be able to find the number of calories in the item.
For you to lose fat around your midsection, you will need to expend a larger amount of energy than what you are taking in. You can accomplish this in one of two different methods:
  • Exercise – You will need to increase the amount of activity you perform in a day so that is exceeds the amount of food you consume.
  • Diet – For this method, you will be keeping the amount of energy you expend in a day the same, but you are going to reduce the amount of calories you consume.
Losing Belly Fat Through Diet

It can be almost impossible to lose your belly fat with just exercise, but you can get there by simply changing your eating routine. All you need to do is lessen the amount of calories you consume every day to less than what your body is going to burn living a sedentary lifestyle. If you add in a few days of cardio every week, you will be able to strip away the fat from your midsection with ease. Even though your exercise routine doesn’t have to be perfect, you will need to monitor your food intake with accuracy.

The Reality Behind Losing Your Midsection

If you follow three simple steps, you will be able to reduce your total body fat.

  • Determine the amount of calories you consume every day. Spend at least a week logging a journal of everything you consume. Once you have the list, you will want to calculate the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis.
  • Subtract 300 calories from your total amount of calories consumed per day. Try eating this amount of calories every day for one month. Ignore the amount of weight you lose in the first couple of weeks. In the beginning phases of your diet, you are going to lose a lot of water weight because you are minimizing the amount of sodium and carbohydrates you consume. If you are not actively losing a pound to two pounds per week in the last couple of weeks of the month, you will want to drop the amount of calories you consume by another 200 per week. Follow this for another month and incorporate cardio into the equation.
  • Add cardio into the mix. Begin your routine with a couple sessions every week. Start with 10 minutes each session. Don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself to perform insane workouts at this stage. You will want to do as much as you can. Build your routine to about four sessions per week averaging 20 to 30 minutes per session.
To enhance your results, you will want to make sure you are consuming a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Men will need to consume around 200 grams of protein every day. If you have a higher metabolism, you will want to consume a large amount of protein when cutting your calories. Women will want to eat around 120 grams of protein on a daily basis. Try supplementing your routine with protein powder to determine if you are reaching the recommended requirements.
You will want around 20 to 30 percent of your calories to come from healthy fats. Every gram of fat has nine calories in it. Once you know what your intake of proteins and fats is, you will be able to subtract this from your caloric intake to determine the amount of calories you can consume from carbohydrates. Incorporating everything together will help ensure your success in the program.
thank you

About The Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse by Beachbody

Shakeology is one of Beachbody’s best selling products and it is for good reason. It is an all natural, premium nutritional health shake mix created from whole food ingredients that contains 23 essential vitamins in minerals per serving. All of its nutrients are blended together to create the perfect all-in-one balanced meal to help you lose weight, increase your energy and improve your overall health.


When it comes to weight loss, most people want to see quick results and, with the Shakeology program, Beachbody offers a way to lose weight fast in a healthy way. The Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse is a shorter version of the Shakeology Meal Replacement Weight Loss program and it offers many benefits in addition to a 3 to 5 pound weight loss in only three days.

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse Benefits

The Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse is not like traditional cleanses, restricting food intake to strictly liquids and limiting calories to unhealthy levels. Instead, the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse allows between 800 and 1,100 calories per day, and includes vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and the nutrient dense Shakeology meal replacement shake.

Most traditional cleanses are also done without any exercise or fitness regimen due to the limited caloric intake that leads to decreased energy levels. The Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse was intended to be done along with one of Beachbody’s many workout programs. Its main purpose is to provide the body with nutrients it is deficient in, replace the unhealthy toxins it is helping eliminate and prepare the body for weight loss and the commencement of a Beachbody workout program. Beachbody suggests doing the cleanse every three to four months in order to regularly rid the body of toxins that will continuously build up. After each three day period on the Shakeology Cleanse, you should feel an increase in energy, improved mood, less bloating and, most importantly, a weight loss of three to five pounds.

One similarity between the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse and other traditional cleanses is that, although it does not limit calories, it does help rid the body of unhealthy toxins. The body builds up an unhealthy level of toxins due to poor diets that include processed foods, preservatives, consumption of alcohol, sugary beverages, unhealthy fats and foods with additives. These toxins not only inhibit weight loss, they also cause fatigue, stress and various negative side effects. While on the 3 Day Cleanse, the body slowly eliminates the many toxins and replaces them with Shakeology’s vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Click Here To Try the Shakeology Cleanse Today

How to do the Shakeology Cleanse

Prior to beginning the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse, it is best to ensure that you can fully commit to the program for the next three days. Weekdays may be a better option since weekends tend to include eating out, treating yourself to desserts and sometimes consuming alcohol.

When you commit to starting the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse, ensure that you have all of the items you need in your pantry and refrigerator. It may also be wise to eliminate or hide the foods you cannot eat so that you are not tempted.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

insanity diet plan free


Hello to you
Today we'll talk about an excellent plan, including ways to know the correct diet

It is no secret that Insanity is one of Beachbody’s most popular at home fitness programs. Insanity is widely known for its physically demanding workouts and the phenomenal results they can provide in as little as 60 days. With that said, the workouts alone are not what deliver the spectacular results you will see on most Insanity before and after photos.

Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan Introduction

 Regardless of the fitness program you choose to use to reach your goals, up to 75 to 80% of the results you will see from it will be attributed to your diet with only about 20 to 25% related to the exercise you choose to do. With that said, it is important to choose a program with a balanced nutritional plan that fuels the body for demanding workouts but will also allow for somewhat of a calorie deficit to produce weight loss. The Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan is a plan designed to do just that.

As most already know, the Insanity Workout Program is very demanding on the body and requires proper nutrition and fuel. In order to help those taking on the Insanity challenge, the creators of the Insanity program have included the Elite Nutrition Plan as an important component of the Insanity workout program. The Elite Nutritional plan was created as a means for learning how to eat a balanced diet while feeding the body what it needs in order to survive the next 60 days. The body’s primary source of fuel is food and, without the proper food intake, it is impossible to successfully complete all of the Insanity workouts for the 60 day program duration. After completing the Insanity Program, Shaun T, Insanity’s fitness trainer and creator, hopes that you continue to use Insanity’s Elite Nutrition plan as a guide for what a balanced diet should look like and an overall healthier lifestyle.
The main idea behind the Elite Nutrition Plan is that it is not a diet at all. It is a plan to teach you how to eat healthy for the time period you spend with Insanity and beyond. The plan includes all food groups, including carbohydrates, vegetables, whole grains, fruits and healthy fats. The Elite Nutrition plan is based around eating five meals per day. All meals should be around the same number of calories and spread out throughout the day. All meals listed in the plan consist of approximately 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% healthy fats. Although limiting carbs seems to be popular lately, the Insanity Elite nutrition plan does not recommend that because carbs are key to fueling the body for demanding workouts. The Elite Nutrition plan does, however, include mostly low glycemic foods in order to have minimal impact on blood sugar. Foods such as white bread, rice, baked goods and candy cause a rapid rise and drop in blood sugar, leading to fatigue and hunger. A low glycemic diet, such as that implemented with the Elite Nutrition plan, will help prevent those peaks and valleys in order to keep that body stabilized. In addition to eliminating most processed and high glycemic carbs, the Insanity nutrition plan also eliminates alcohol and sugar substitutes. These can be added back in with moderation after the 60 day Insanity workouts are completed.

Getting Started with the Plan

Since each individual has different caloric requirements, the Elite Nutrition plan does not give specific guidelines on exact daily calorie consumption. The plan includes an approximate 1,500 calorie daily intake and also allows for “Food Blocks” for those that need additional calories. Each “Food Block” can add 100 to 200 calories, increasing the caloric intake slowly with each one. The daily caloric intake should range anywhere from 1,500 to 2,500 calories per day, depending on the individual.

Month 1

When you begin the Elite Nutrition plan, you will need to select five meals to eat each day. The meals should be breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner. There are five meal lists available in the Elite Nutrition plan guide and each list has 10 meals to choose from. Each meal has approximately 300 to 400 calories. You will need to select one meal from each of the five lists per day. In order to keep the metabolism working efficiently and get enough fuel to endure the tough Insanity workouts, it is important to avoid skipping meals. Below are some examples of the meals included in the Elite Nutrition plan meal. Recipes for all meals listed below, as well as the rest of the meals offered, are available on the nutrition plan guide that accompanies the Insanity program.
Sample Breakfast

Fruit and cottage cheese
Bagel and lox
Berry protein smoothie
Egg white and fruit plate

Sample Mid-Morning Snack

Protein omelet
Vanilla berry protein shake
Yogurt bowl
Turkey BLT

Sample Lunch

Grilled chicken salad
Roast Beef Sandwich

Sample Afternoon Snack

Insanity special sandwich with nut butter and jelly
Tuna salad in a tomato
Turkey chili

Sample Dinner

Baked cod with steamed carrots and cauliflower
Chicken meatballs
Steak and broccoli
Grilled salmon with asparagus

Month 2

As you enter the second month on the plan and get halfway through your Insanity 60 day journey, your body may be burning calories more effectively and the workouts will be increasing in difficulty. In order to help make up for this, you may or may not increase your caloric intake to ensure your body is properly fueled. To meet your increased fuel needs, you can choose to add one to three complex carbohydrate snacks daily. The Elite Nutritional Plan includes a list of snacks for you to choose from. Adding calories and snacks is entirely up to you. If you feel you have plenty of energy to continue with the program at your current calorie intake, you can maintain the same caloric intake as you did during month one.
Examples of Complex Carbohydrate Snacks

1 small baked potato with skin
½ cup brown rice, measure after being cooked
1 small orange or banana
1 whole wheat English muffin
½ cup canned beans

Program Assessment

After beginning the Insanity workout program and implementing the Elite Nutrition plan, you will need to assess your calorie intake and measurements on a weekly basis. Although it is tempting to use numbers on a scale, these numbers do not take into account muscle versus fat tissue. Taking your measurements will be a much better representation of your success on the program. If you are not seeing results, change your caloric intake on the Elite Nutrition plan accordingly and recheck one to two weeks later. As you culminate the Insanity program, you can tailor the Elite Nutrition plan to meet your personal lifestyle. Although alcohol, sugar substitutes and junk food are not allowed on the plan, it is ok to add some of these items back into your diet in moderation. Completely restricting yourself from anything, even baked goods and candy, can lead to bingeing on them in the future so adding them in small 
amounts is acceptable

And here we come to the end of the article
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